Hey its a nice boat, so lets see…

The boat was in need of a refresh.  There were lots of little things that were not quite right.  We did not think there was anything major, but as it turned out we were wrong about that.

I probably made a big mistake at this point.  I decided to do a complete rebuild on the boat, starting with effectively ripping out the inside.

Looking back I am not sure what madness possessed me to do this.  At the time it seemed the best thing to do, but in hindsight we would have been better to do the essential maintenance and repairs then sell the boat and find another closer to what we really wanted.

Of course that begs the question of why did we buy it in the first place, but thats another story …

For better or for worse, that is the course we followed.  We took the boat up into the local boatyard and started the rebuild with lots of enthusiasm.