The anchor bin is nearly done now. It is strengthened inside with 4 layers of chopped strand and woven mat glass soaked in epoxy resin. That should be enough to hold the chain and withstand abrasion as the chain moves around.
The chain bin is enclosed with a 400mm x 400mm opening under where the which sits so that the chain will fall into the bin. It is important that the opening be large enough so that the chain flakes as it feeds in and does not pile up and tangle. Lets hope I got it right.
On top of the bin is a strong framework that acts to hold the chain bin together if by any unfortunate circumstance we find ourselves the wrong way up.
Making the frame for the top is a bit like one of those wooden puzzles where you have to fit all the bits together.
Making lockers in the forward section
There is a lot of measuring and figuring when making the lockers. We end up with pages of stuff like this below, that gets marked out on plywood and eventually ends up in the boat.