Caravans and bulkheads

We bought an old caravan so that I can sleep over and get more time on the boat.  Travelling from home is about 40 minutes each way, which cuts fairly heavily into work time.

As the boat progresses I expect to spend much more time working on it.  At some point I will have to cut the umbilical chord (my programming contracts) that is supplying all the cash at the moment.

I’m trying to get enough of the heavy expenses out of the way while I am working so that when I finally give it up there will be enough cash to see the boat through to completion.

Will this be home sweet home for a while?

Jacob likes it - particularly the DVD player ...

I’ve gone as far as I can on preparing the cockpit framing at the moment.  All the bits of timber have been drilled and marked then removed so that the final assembly can start from the bottom up.

We needed a couple of bits of the bulkhead to be prepared so that the sub floor framing can be fitted up.  We have to be careful not to restrict access to the main cabin to much as there are some big bits that need to be got inside somehow.

Making the template for the bottom of the bulkhead

Shaped ply sitting in place

The template ready to mark out the ply. The glue let go and it sprung a bit but its still usable.

All cleaned up ready to glue and bolt the sub framing

Back home its spring and the king parrots are hanging out for food.  Nest building and egg laying is an energy intensive business for them.

King parrots feeding at our front door