About us

Now we are full time liveaboards, but before all this started we lived on the east Australia coast.

Its a beautiful place, forested hills and mountains dropping down to sandy beaches interspersed with sections of rocky headland and cliffs. The coastal hills are largely covered in eucalyptus forest.  The original trees are well over 2-3 hundred years old.  We lived in a house we built the house about 30 years ago out of mud from on the site and timber salvaged from trees knocked down for roadworks, housing estates and so on.

Inside the house the walls have been rendered with cement and painted with acrylic.  The doors are hand made from local timbers.  Note the colors of the wood.  The red is wooley butt (Eucalyptus longifolia) , the yellow is stringy bark (Eucalyptus globoidea) and ash (Eucalyptus seberei).


Construction of the roof, thats 12v LED lighting

This young magpie sat on the log outside the front door and warbled beautifully for about half an hour one sunny morning – I think he (she ?) was showing off.
