A coat of primer

Finally the repairs and fairing up of the cabin top is completed.  The gunnels have also been trimmed back to the line of the hull and sealed with epoxy where necessary.

This means its time to apply a coat of primer.  Epoxy has no resistance to UV light and will break down fairly quickly if not protected.

We used a 2 pack primer to seal up all the exposed work.  Its amazing how much better the boat looks with even just a coat of primer.

Cabin top and gunnels sealed up with a coat of primer

As part of the repair we fitted hardwood rubbing strips all around the outside of the hull.  Previously there was nothing to protect the boat from knocks and bangs when coming alongside warfs and other boats.   The rubbing strip also needed a coat of primer.  Thats not our mast by the way.  I wish it was – it looks really nice !!

Post side showing rubbing strip sealed up with primer