Some excitement

Sandblasting is a dramatic time that creates a big impression.

So, here we go…

It begins …

And goes on ….  Note the careful handling of the blast nozzle  and the protective suit.  Sand is fill of silica which are sharp crystals you definitely don’t want in your lungs.

Its an art like many things. To much sand will blast through the hull.

The right amount lifts the antifoul without damaging the underlying dynal sheath

Finally this. Its amazing what lies hidden beneath the paint. Note the repaired scratch top right.

Here is the lead keel. There is a badly repaired crack right along the lead keel line and another where the wooden keel joins the hull proper. Not major stuff but it needs repair to prevent water penetration and damage.

This damage at the aft end of the keel. Fastenings for a stainless steel shoe had allowed moisture into the timber and rotted it. Note the corroded bit of the shoe still remaining.

After blasting comes repair. Here the skeg is strengthened with epoxy and chopped strand matting.

Blasting revisited